• TAI Bolga, UB-0092-6061


Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Inclusion and Equality (SHINE)


The Sustainable Development, Human Rights Inclusion and Equality (SHINE) project, is funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) through Canadian Feed the Children (CFTC).

SHINE is a three-year pro-poor intervention that aims at enhancing the empowerment of women and girls in agriculture and agribusiness related activities.

SHINE is being implemented in 16 communities across 4 Districts in the Upper East Region (Bolgatanga Municipal, Talensi, Bongo, Kassena Nankana Municipal).

With the main focus on dry season vegetables production, critical outcomes from the project is expected to contribute to poverty reduction by addressing food insecurity through increasing women-controlled food production, crop and dietary diversity, to ensure nutritive value is maintained throughout the production.

The above processes are propelled by supporting sustainable economic growth through incubation, value-addition, and increasing access to markets for agriculture-based products.

Specific objectives of SHINE project include:

  • Increase the agency of women and girls in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness related activities.

  • Improve access to economic opportunities for women and girls in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness related activities.

  • Nurture Agro-based enterprises through business incubation model to ensure sustainable, viable and bankable enterprises with scalability potentials.

SHINE Project is projected to reach;

  • 8,000 vegetable households in SHINE Project communities.
  • Cover 70% of female and 30% of male beneficiaries.
  • Overall, incubate and nurture 80 Agro-based enterprises in SHINE Project communities.

In terms of gender equality and reduction of gender-based violence, the project has achieved the following:

  • Trained 480 FBO members (256 females and 224 males) on Positive Gender Beliefs across all project communities.
  • 78 females and 73 males participated in training on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).
  • 612 FBO members (69% women and 31% men) received training on Group Dynamics.
  • 703 participants (442 females and 261 males) were educated on Gender Equality at the community level.
  • Achieved an average satisfaction level of 75% in pre and post assessments of gender training.
  • Established 16 Gender Clubs in all project communities to educate young girls and boys about their rights and responsibilities.

These efforts have collectively contributed to a more gender-balanced and harmonious society in the Upper East Region.

The project is been supported by Canadian Feed the Children with funding from Global Affairs Canada. The Africa Agribusiness Incubation Network is providing technical support in the business incubation of the project: